Weekly Report

for the week of February 22, 1999:

Last week Henry and I worked on
    - displaying race information in tables
    - finding a suitable web site to eventually sell Lickity Split
    - finding the difference between shareware and professional product
    - accessing the surrounding racers info to display

We found that
    - tables are slow to load
    - for now we will just keep the CS470 page on saturn until we start to sell it
    - we should be able to fit all the racer information neatly into two databases, a record for each racer in one database and a record for each lap in the second database

This week we plan to work on
    - finding a way to speed up tables, or an alternative
    - timing racers and storing the timing information
    - finding the difference between shareware and professional product
    - simple startlist entry screen

We're working hard to have a limited prototype for Coach Bill Spencer for the
NCAA championships by March 5, 1999.

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